Nadya Tkachenko
Entrepreneur and founder of several small businesses. Fundraising and program director for non-profit and NGO sectors, including UNESCO. Director of global chapter development at Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst Association. Organizer of two refugee relief missions to Poland/Ukraine. British citizen of Ukrainian nationality, based in Massachusetts USA. Masters degree holder and Chevening scholar from SOAS University, London. Bachelor of Arts degree in International Relations from Middlebury College, USA. 


Fred Hodder
Financial and business executive. Managing Director of Central Asian-American Enterprise Fund, a $60 million US government economic development program. Finance Director and CFO for US and international publicly listed companies. Harvard MBA and Stanford BS Engineering. US and British citizenship.


Arman Katenov
Ukrainian-based consultant to construction and agricultural sectors. Florida based construction business. Executive Director of Eurasian Development company. Former deputy Chairman of BTA Bank (Ukraine).  


Peter Sztyk
Geneva-based international lawyer and investor of Ukrainian descent.  Formerly of White & Case LLP and a member of the New York and Quebec bar associations. Actively involved with the Ukrainian World Congress (member of the executive board between 2009-2018; member of the board of directors 2013-2018, chaired the Human Rights Committee 2013-2018).  Co-founded a Kyiv-based NGO, Ukraine-2050.org, in 2019.


Bogdan Prokopovych
Senior Lecturer at the Isenberg School of Management at UMass Amherst, teaching social entrepreneurship and sustainable enterprise. Formerly at IFC of the World Bank Group in Ukraine. Former Executive Director of a Kyiv-based NGO and IREX US Embassy Policy Specialist Fellow in Azerbaijan and Tajikistan. PhD in Management from the University of Rhode Island, a Master’s (MPPM) from the University of Pittsburgh.


Andreas Doroshuk
Ukraine-based lawyer, with a successfully private legal practice of over 25 years.  Construction project manager with first hand experience of collaboration and application of the principles and approaches of Habitat for Humanity in Ukraine. Actively involved in supporting refugees and displaced families from 2014 onward.